Stovetop Broccoli Mac and Cheese ¡Aprobadas por los niños!

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This dreamy, creamy mac and cheese recipe gets a nutritious boost from broccoli.

Meal Stovetopbroccolimaccheese
45 minutos
Tiempo total
Costo por porción*
Temperatura: Fuego medio
Tamaño de la porción:3/4 taza
Tiempo de preparación:10 minutos
Tiempo de cocción:35 minutos
Tiempo total:45 minutos

Tazón apto para microondas


Small pot with lid

Olla grande


Rubber spatula

Tazas y cucharas medidoras

Serving Suggestion and/or Recipe Source:

Recipe sourced from The Food Trust’s Cooking Matters

* El costo y la disponibilidad de los ingredientes de las recetas puede variar en las distintas regiones de Ohio. La información de costo por porción debe usarse como una guía general al considerar el costo de la receta.


1 large head broccoli, chopped into small pieces

1 16-ounce package whole grain pasta (such as macaroni, rotini, or penne)

1 1/2 tazas de leche con bajo contenido de grasa

11/2 tablespoons unsalted butter

2 cucharas de harina común

3/4 cucharadita de sal

1/4 cucharadita de pimienta negra

4 tablespoons reduced fat cream cheese (about 2 ounces)

5 ounces cheddar or Monterey Jack cheese, shredded


  1. Antes de comenzar, lávese las manos y lave las superficies, los utensilios y la verdura.
  2. In a microwave-safe bowl, add broccoli and just enough water to cover halfway. Heat in microwave until bright green and tender, about 6–8 minutes.
  3. Cook pasta following package instructions. Drain in a colander and set aside. While pasta is cooking, make cheese sauce.
  4. In a small pot over medium heat, heat milk until hot and bubbly, about 3-5 minutes. When hot, remove from heat. Cover to keep warm.
  5. In a large pot over medium heat, melt butter. Add flour. Mix with rubber spatula, stirring constantly until mixture is smooth and flour is mixed in.
  6. Slowly add the warm milk into large pot. Stir constantly with a spatula, until sauce thickens. Sauce should be thick enough that when spoon is dipped in, sauce will stick to back of spoon.
  7. Stir in salt and black pepper. Add cream cheese, shredded cheese, and broccoli. Stir until shredded cheese is melted. Retire la cacerola del fuego.
  8. Add pasta to cheese sauce. Revuelva para integrar.


  • Use any veggies you like. Try using 11/2 cups chopped tomatoes, steamed cauliflower, or cooked peas or spinach instead of broccoli.
  • For extra flavor, add 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme or any herbs and spices you like. Mix into the sauce with the salt and black pepper.

What goes in Stovetop Broccoli Mac and Cheese?

Leche con bajo contenido de grasa
Leche con bajo contenido de grasa
Pasta integral
Pasta integral
Queso rallado
Cheddar Cheese
Harina de trigo integral
Harina de trigo integral

Información nutricional
(por porción)

8 g
400 mg
38 g
12 g
Ver todos los datos nutricionales >>
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